The Institute
Stephen King has released a new novel, this time focusing on a sinister organization called The Institute and the abduction of a young boy with telekinetic abilities. I was never particularly curious about Stephen King until I watched the Castle Rock adaptation. After that, I read the Outsider, which I thought was just okay, but …
The Dutch House
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett, her most recent novel, was released on September 24. I’ve read a few books from Patchett in the past and really enjoy her writing. I thought Bel Canto was a lovely book, and State of Wonder was just okay, but still well written. Plus, The Dutch House’s fairytale-esque elements …
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke: What We Know
Susanna Clarke’s long-awaited next novel, Piranesi, has been announced. Here’s what we know: What’s the news? Susanna Clarke’s debut novel, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was published in 2004, roughly 15 years ago. It was a huge bestseller and was adapted into a BBC series, and she hasn’t published any novels since then. (I sort …
50 Best Books About Witches
Witchy reads and books about witches are just the thing to dive into with Halloween around the corner. Witches are generally depicted as being mysterious and powerful, and have often been feared or shamed throughout history, and it all makes for fascinating stories. Here’s some of the best witchy reads and books about witches! (P.S. …
The Water Dancer
The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates is Coates’s first foray into writing fiction, and it piqued my curiosity as soon as I heard about it. Yesterday, it was announced as the latest Oprah’s Book Club pick. Coates is well-known for his books of essays, but I largely read fiction, so I’ve never read anything by …