Which one are you? (Or both?)
I’d say I tend to be a solo reader just because I’m bad about finishing books on time. I end up reading at my leisure or when the mood strikes, which doesn’t mesh well with book clubs or group reads.
(By the way, I realize I’m far from a professional illustrator, but hey, the only way to get better at anything is to keep doing it, right?)
P.S. See more from The Illustrated Bibliofile
Oh,definitely a solo reader! I like to read about the different experiences we have with the same story but reading in group(and not always being able to choose the kind of story you want to read RIGHT then),no thank you☺
ahh yeah when I get motivated to get more into a book club … and then they choose a book I have no interest in reading, haha. that’s always a bit of a downer, eek!
I’m definitely a soloist. I like reading in the quiet. It’s ‘me’ time.
book reading time is the best “me” time! :)
Solo reader. I always have a book. If I have to wait and there’s nothing to read, I get antsy. If there is a New Yorker or Vanity Fair, I’ll read those, but Us or People? LOL…
have you tried e-books? I used only insist on hard copies, but having an e-book in my back pocket helps to ensure I don’t end up having to rely on things like Us or People for my reading needs, haha
I would like to be a book clubber, but I’m definitely a soloist. ^_^ And I think your illustration is so good! I want to integrate more original art on my blog and this is super inspiring.
Aww thank you! And yes, I love blogs with original art. Thanks for dropping by and happy drawing! :)
I think the illustration is adorable!!
I am a solo reader who would also like to be a book clubber. Unfortunately, very few of my friends read and can not commit to a book a month.
Thank you! Haha yes, I think not being able to find friends who will consistently read books and discuss them with me is probably why I ended up blogging about books in the first place :)
I’m a soloist who has been dipping her toes into the book clubbing waters this year in a desperate attempt to gain some sort of social interaction. :)
ooo that’s great, I’ve tried that from time to time, but have never found a really stable book club to stick with. That said, even if the book club falls apart or I stop being able to go, I usually end up staying in touch with some of the members anyway, so I’m still glad I tried!
I’m a solo reader, but only because I don’t have any friends that live near me that I can book club with. My out-of-town friends and I just started a Facebook book club though, so maybe that will change!
ahh yeah, I’ve moved around a bunch so I know the feeling. Long distance book clubs are probably a little more work, but it sounds like a great way to stay in touch too!
Definitely soloist! I like my own space and time 100% And the illustration is so so lovely!☺️
thank you so much! :)
I love the graphic! I’m a solo reader. I’m terrible at finishing books on time because I always get distracted by other books.
Thank you! And yes, that happens to me all the time too haha!
I also tend to be a solo reader. I’m not able to read at the same pace as other people. Sometimes I don’t have the time to read because of my studies so book clubs don’t work for me. Unfortunately!
By the way, the illustration is lovely! 😊
Thank you so much! Yeah, I tend to read in spurts depending on what else is going on so book clubs aren’t at the top of my priority list sadly, but I do really enjoy them when I’m able to particiate. Thanks for your thoughts!
Definitely both. I love to have someone to discuss with! But following a timeline is hard.
Agreed, finding people who’ve read the same book to talk to is a lot of fun. I think that’s probably why I like blogging about books, haha :)
I’m a solo reader, I’d love to belong to a book club but the ones I’ve seen nearby are all reading grown-up serious books- and I love reading MG/ Teen and YA fantasy type books which wouldn’t fit in with the ‘worthy’ novel types.
And if I joined a YA group that was inclusive of older than teens as a mum I would probably be the grandma they don’t want hanging about!!
So solo and blogging it is!!
I feel like there’s increasing amount of non-teen readers of YA books, maybe you could start a book club with that theme! :)
I am a soloist but when I am done I would love to talk about the book with someone to get their view or see what they liked about it. My husband is not a reader so I am always, and I mean always, telling him about my reads and then, getting his view on them. He puts up with me and he’s funny because when I get done, he says, “well, I don’t have to read that book because you just told me everything about it.”
haha your husband should be grateful — having someone to summarize good books and give personalized reviews for him! he’s so lucky!
Solo! I like to read at my own pace (which is pretty fast) I like to talk about books with people when I’m done with them 😊
that’s the beauty of blogging, the best of both worlds! :)
You drew that? That’s incredible! I’m a soloist all the way.
thank you so much!
I’m a solo reader. I like to read at my own pace, if I was in a book club/doing a read a long it would feel to pressurised x
yeah, I don’t read well when I feel like it’s forced which makes it hard to stick to book club deadlines!
I was going to say solo reader but I’m in a group on goodreads where we read a (dark) romance each month. I love the discussions we have and really need to look for a few other similar groups. So I’m a bit of both!
ooo nice that you’ve found a book club you like, that’s great!
I haven’t found people who are into reading as much as I am so I tend to be a solo reader. Not to mention, I’m a fast reader too so it makes it difficult
haha well I guess you could try joining multiple book clubs? thanks for dropping by!
Definitely a solo reader! I don’t want to feel pressured to read/finish a book. :)
totally agree!
I’m definitely a solo-reader. There weren’t many book clubs in the city where I grew up. Plus I always feel romantically about books – never try to pick them apart, which I feel is what book clubs do.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve always been scared that I’ll come off as stupid if I talk about the book any less analytically than required.
With you on being a soloist which is why, though I’ve joined a lot of book clubs, I only attend the books I’ve already read or already have a copy of that I can read. It’s just a lot of stress having to prioritise a book that it isn’t your own choice and, after all, it is our own time and energy.
Attend the meetings when I’ve already read the book*
Definitely a soloist! I can’t even read with my cat. She just wants to sit on the book :)
Soloist all the way. In general I tend to not like being told what to do let alone what to read, though I do love suggestions from other people.
The Soloist and The book clubber when in the mood. But largely the first :)
I’d gladly be both, but usually when I’m in a book club I end up reading books I’m not really interested in, for the common good. Which is the correct way of running a book club, I’m the one with unusual tastes. So I read alone and then write about it.
haha yep, that happens to me too. But sometimes it’s a good thing. Book clubs have definitely forced me to try stuff I didn’t think I’d like, so it’s for the common good, but it’s probably also good for me as well :)
definately a soloist. i like the quiet time just me and a book