Can You Name That Book: 2020 Edition is a book quiz about new releases from 2020! I’ve been doing a lot of book reviews and lists on The Bibliofile, so I thought I might switch it up with a bookish-themed quiz.
The point is to see how many of these new book releases from last year that you’re able to identify based on either a) their cover or b) their plot synopsis! There’s 10 book covers below and 5 plot descriptions — how many will you recognize?
How well do YOU know the 2020 releases? Can you NAME THAT BOOK? There are 15 titles featured here in all, feel free to drop a comment to let me know (slash brag about) how many you were able to name!
P.S. For an extra challenge, see if you can name the author as well!
Part I: Book Covers!
There are 10 book covers shown here. For how many of them can you recognize the book?

Part II: Plot Descriptions!
There are 5 plot descriptions here. For how many of them can you recognize the book?
1. This popular fantasy novel is about a girl who makes a deal with the devil to live forever, but no one can remember her.
2. This popular book club read is about two twins, both light-skinned black women, whose lives take very different paths. One of them hides her identity, passing as white, while the other marries a black man and later goes home to take care of their mother.
3. This non-fiction book by a well-known non-fiction writer tells the story of Winston Churchill and the Blitz during WWII.
4. This book released in 2020 was a sequel to a popular novel that was adapted into a movie directed by Stephen Spielberg. It’s a sci-fi novel set in a dystopia where people spend their days in a virtual reality version of the world.
5. This novel is about a woman’s journey as a refugee trying to travel from Mexico City to the United States. Despite its popularity, it sparked a lot of controversy regarding it’s portrayal of Mexico, among other issues.
Your Results
Check the ones you got right:
The Midnight LibraryMexican Gothic
In Five Years
The Guest List
The Glass Hotel
Beach Read
A Promised Land
One by One
My Dark Vanessa
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
The Vanishing Half
The Splendid and the Vile
Ready Player Two
American Dirt
Total Incorrect:
So, how did you do? How many of these 15 books were you able to identify?
Drop a comment below about how you did or share your results! Also, if you’d like to see more stuff like this on The Bibliofile, please let me know! I love to hear about what stuff people are enjoying on here!
Click Below to Share Your Results!

Recognising books by their covers is not always obvious as the covers used in the US and the UK (and probably Australia) are most of the time not identical.
But it is a nice quiz! Thank you.
haha yeah I guess this quiz is probably more geared toward U.S. visitors — if people seem to like the quiz though maybe I’ll do UK alternatives in the future!
also, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!
What a fun post idea! I managed to get 8 of them right — only was able to guess one of them based on description, though!
thanks kal! 8 seems quite good! I realized as I was making it that this quiz is perhaps pretty hard if you’re not a hardcore book person lol — I think if I did a version featuring the “classics” that people typically know about it might be a little easier, ahh well :)