What happens at the end of Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera?
When Lucy’s memory begins to come back in bits in pieces, she realizes that Emmett is the one who killed Savannah.
At the wedding, Emmett and Lucy kiss, but Lucy doesn’t want to go further. She leaves with Savvy instead, and the two talk about moving to Los Angeles together. Emmett confronts her on the small road out of the estate and confesses his love for her. Emmett has spent his whole life pining after Lucy. Lucy rejects him and makes it clear it’s “not going to happen” and Emmett attacks her. Savvy then attacks Emmett and an altercations ensues. Emmett gets the upper hand and chases them down with a hammer (presumably he went and got it from his car). In the end, Savvy dies and Lucy has her brain injury.
Matt shows up shortly after and Emmett tells him that Lucy killed Savvy. Matt gets rid of the tree branch that he believes is the murder weapon. He tells Lucy’s father Don what happened, and Don later tells Lucy’s mother Kathleen. (This is why they all were certain she did it.)
In the present day, Lucy goes to talk to Emmett and she watches him hurt Nina when he’s upset with her, which triggers her memories. She’s on the phone with Ben when this happens. Emmett hangs up on Ben and tries to convince Lucy that her version of events is a false memory she constructed and that he simply stumbled upon Lucy (he said he left to take his dog out) after Lucy had killed Savannah.
Lucy gets into a physical altercation with him which only stops when Ben comes to find her. Emmett is arrested, and Ben lies and says that Emmett admitted to already having attempted to kill Lucy. Ben knows Emmett never admitted it to him, but he also knows that his listeners will believe it if that’s what he says.
The book ends with Emmett being arrested. Lucy and Ben make plans to meet up in Los Angeles.
What are the big plot twists in Listen for the Lie?
There some smaller plot twists, but the two big plot twists are:
1) When we find out that the murderous voices that Lucy hears throughout the novel is actually her hearing Savannah’s voice and recalling things Savannah’s said to her, and;
2) When we find out that Emmett is the one who killed Savannah. He spent his whole life pining after Lucy, and when she kisses him, but then rejects him, he tries to hurt her, and Savannah defends her. There’s an altercation and Savannah is killed while Lucy has suffered a traumatic brain injury. (See above for more details.)
What were the voices that Frankie kept hearing?
She was replaying things that Savannah had said to her, or at times, imagining Savannah being there.
Could Lucy be the real killer?
There’s definitely an argument to be made that Lucy could be the real killer and that she’s an unreliable narrator. In that case, the memories that she has exonerating her are just constructed memories, the murderous voices she heard that she’s attributing to things Savannah said are some combination of the two (actual things and constructed memories), plus her natural violent tendencies are part of her nature. See the comments for a longer discussion of this theory, or jump in with your own thoughts!
What was the secret that the grandma at the end said she knew of Lucy’s? I don’t think it was ever revealed was it?
I don’t think it’s stated explicitly, but I took it that her grandma knew that Lucy didn’t reveal the full truth about what happened to Ben.
More specifically, Lucy never talked about their plan to kill Matt and certainly not about how Savvy had killed someone before. I don’t know if her grandma knew all those exact details, but I’m certain her grandma knew there was more to Savvy than the angel with a halo that everyone had been depicting her as, which is probably why her grandma says that she doesn’t owe everyone her or Savvy’s secrets.
I feel like the secret that her grandmother was referring to could be that Lucy may be lying about what happened that night – this would perfectly integrate the title, aside from it being the name of the podcast. Dangling that carrot in front of our faces (there’s a lie but I’ll never tell you what it is.) Her grandma specifically says “Let Ben think he found the truth. He did what we needed him to do.” I think Lucy and Savvy were in love and when Lucy and that’s they lie she’s leaving out. Her grandma also talks about the secrets – plural- they had together. It also talked about how Savvy was never exclusive with Colin but never says who she might have been seeing even though the town had rumors about everyone else back then. I just think there’s a lot more to this book than surface level stuff.
oooo that’s a really interesting theory. Hmm I guess I haven’t thought too hard about some of the loose ends and trying to see how they might connect to uncover some hidden truths in this book, but it’s definitely worth considering…
I just finished the book and I’m here for this theory – a few more nuggets that support it off the top of my head:
– Savvy is upset when she sees Lucy kissing… anyone. Brought up with Matt and Emmett
– Savvy’s hatred of Matt could be more than him hurting her best friend, it could be jealousy. So much so that she suggests murder
– Multiple mentions from Lucy’s perspective of how beautiful Savvy is
I almost want to start the book over and look for more!
So what is the rationale for Lucy killing Savvy? It feels like the author described a best friends relationship between the girls and to assume Lucy was her killer is grasping at straws.
I think it’s quite clear Lucy was the real killer, and the memories telling otherwise were made up by her psychotic mind.
In the fight with Emmett in the end, if you read carefully you can see Emmett is actually trying to flee and it’s Lucy who is going after him like a lunatic. The memories about Matt starting the fights are probably made up as well, it was actually Lucy being the violent one, that’s why it was so easy for Matt to believe her to be the killer. The parents probably knew about her true nature as well.
The author even makes the psychosis very clear with the voices inside Lucy’s head encouraging her to kill various people, the novel is just so cleverly written we can’t believe her to be the killer despite this being right in front of us.
On the motive for Lucy (if a psycho needs one): If you read carefully, you can see it’s actually Savannah who was in love with Emmett, and Lucy who tried to kiss him against his will in the wedding. The clues are:
-Describing the end of kissing scene in the wedding, Lucy says to Emmett (in a “baffling choice”): “I’m sorry” and “I shouldn’t have done that”.
-End of the chapter: “Why did Savvy look mad about me making out with Emmett at the wedding? Did she have feelings for–”
Seeing Lucy’s behaviour, Savvy got mad, didn’t want to cause a scene at the wedding so they drove a bit, then argued in the car and got into a fight outside that ended with Lucy killing Savvy. Matt and Emmett tried to intervene but were too late.
In the kissing scene between Lucy and Emmett five years later, it’s again Lucy imagining who started it, as she had the tendency to do. It was Lucy who drove to Emmett’s place to meet him, and he waved hesitantly in the window, not actually eager to meet her. Emmett is the passive one and Lucy forces a kiss on him.
I like your theory a lot my only struggle is that Matt’s second wife said that he was abusing her so I don’t think that Lucy was making that up.
Didn’t understand her last conversation with her Grandmother. Don’t like to read books that you are supposed to figure it out yourself and is open to interpretation. Won’t read anymore of her books.
I don’t like that either. This isn’t Tolstoy. I’m not looking to read carefully and find all the details that make really great writing. I want it spelled out for me when I am reading for pleasure!!
I agree!
Wow seriously? Get over it 🙄
Seemed obvious to me. Savvy murdered someone: she was darker than the perfect victim everyone wanted her to be… ergo, there were secrets Lucy meant to keep as such, and Grandma agreed.
I wholeheartedly agree. I thought the book got more silly and unbelievable as it went on. I have a hard time believing some of the things Lucy did. Although I suppose if she was mentally ill, anything is possible.
Emmett was clearly the murderer. He went for the hammer again immediately. I wouldn’t say a hammer is most people’s defense weapon of choice. He believed she was innocent because he was the one that murdered her. I feel like he is hesitant because he is always afraid she remembered.
Also when she says “we should have left that night” at the diner and he is confused as to which night. He thought she meant the night of the murder.
Also it was obvious that the secret was Savvy’s secret. It is spelled out explicitly right?
I find it very hard to believe that Lucy would be so injured and the police just seemed to blow it off and not look too hard into everyone’s story. I also don’t think it seems reasonable that once it comes out that Emmett was arrested that Lucy was still getting hate for it and saying she was blaming him. I am not however convinced that Emmet is the killer. I think there are too many lose ends with too many people.
The secret the grandma knew is that Savvie killed a man
I was really hoping for an ending or a sequel where we find out that Lucy is the killer. Ben lied for her and that’s the only reason anyone believed her. Ben knew she had murderous tendencies. At the end she said “I’m not responsible for the version of me you made up.” That could have been directed at Ben. I’m hoping the sequel will be that Ben knew that Lucy did it, and we find out the backstory as to why Ben lied for her. And what it is about her past that made her husband and her mother and her father all believe that she was the killer. Plenty of material for a new book including of course the real truth about how Savvie died and maybe Lucy’s hallucinations- is she mentally ill? Is Savvie a ghost? What is Ben’s motive for lying for her? Why did Matt really kick her out of the house that night. The sequel could even tell us more about Nathan’s life with Lucy and why he thinks she did it.
I completely agree.
I read so many alternate theories as to why Lucy could be the killer but if she had violent tendencies and hallucinations , how did she have 5 normal years in L.A . Also she saw Emmet trying to hurt Nina through the window which raises the question if Emmet was innocent why did he hang up on Ben and take away Lucy’s keys and phone . Doesn’t look like the actions of someone innocent
u get me i js wrote smth ab this
i read all the theories and mine is that there is both evidence with and against about lucy being an unreliable narrator, a recurring sentence in the book seems to be that the truth doesn’t matter, we are meant to LISTEN for the lie, this incessant thing cld easily be what the author meant, that as long as lucy is free or something, the truth doesn’t matter, BUT at the same time, throughout the book we see savvy in lucy’s head as violent and encouraging lucy to be violent, alongside, shes always in the dress as she was at the night of the wedding, meaning shes trapped, at the end of the book, she encoruages lucy to be with ben, and shes back to her true self, the jeans and tank top, which would really imply that shes free, not to mention, it was never stated whether lucy had murderous thoughts before the murder, the things she did do, were alwyas with a reason, the books js an open end, i personally think it balances too much to declare a conclusion
This book is not that deep; the ending is the ending at face value. Emmett was always the killer, Savvy’s secret is that she had already killed Troy and wanted to kill Matt, Lucy is not a psychotic killer but a traumatized young woman. This is a very straight forward book. I’m not sure why everyone is looking for it to have a deeper, ambiguous ending. Lucy had a head injury and her trauma prevented her from remembering— also she didn’t want to remember because it’s a painful memory. She’s not a killer, she never was. She just had a series of traumatic experiences that led her mind to retreat into itself.
Agreed. I don’t think it’s meant to be that deep. Listen for the lie is the name of the podcast and the host ends up lying to clear someone’s name. The end.