The four paragraph version: When the book opens, Xaden has now turned venin (after being forced to channel in the last battle), the threat of venin is even greater, and it's a matter of time before wardstone in Aretia will fail. Violet is assigned to a task force to seek out the seventh breed of dragons and to find allies. Privately, Violet is determined to find a cure to save Xaden before he fully loses his soul. Their research takes them to the southern isles beyond the main continent where there is no magic. Their travels secure them an alliance on one of the isles, and on an another isle they find the seventh breed (irids) though the irids disdain war and decline to help them. They're also told there is no cure to venin.
Meanwhile, Violet is being courted by a very powerful Maven dark wielder named Theophanie who wants Violet to turn venin, and Violet discovers her second signet -- she's a dream walker, able to step into others' dreams. As a major venin attack is launched on Aretia, one of the irids shows up to fire up the wardstone in Aretia, allowing it to be fully functional. However, the irid also convinces Ardana to break her bond with Violet and return to their homeland to learn the ways of the irids.
Against Navarre's wishes, Xaden decides to allow all Poromish into Aretia. As civilians stream in Aretia, Theophanie gets impatient, so she captures Violet's sister Mira and demands that Violet (and Jack) be turned over to her. The result is a major battle where Xaden, Violet and their dragons are captured. In order to save his dragon Sgael and turn the tide of the battle, Xaden channels deep and turns fully venin. In the darkness, Violet is able to kill Theophanie (with help from Prince Aaric who turns out to be a precog, as well as Andarna).
When Violet awakes, the battle has been won, but her memory of the past few hours are erased (which Imogen informs her was upon her request). In turns out that at some point she and Xaden were legally married (giving her a claim on Aretia), and Xaden is now gone.
In Chapters 1 - 8, following the battle at Basgiath and with the wardstone repaired, Navarre and Aretia negotiate to allow the Aretians to stay in Navarre and to give a full pardon to the Aretians. Xaden is now venin (after having channeled during the last battle) and Violet is determined to find a cure for him. Violet is assigned to a task force to find the rest of the seventh breed of dragon (which is what her dragon Andarna is, referred to as "irids"/"irridescents"), and she hopes those dragons will know how to defeat or cure venin.
Meanwhile, negotiations with Poromiel have stalled, so Violet and her allies secretly alter the wardstone to allow Poromiel's gryphon fliers to be able to wield in order to clear the way for a potential alliance. They carry out this mission just before the full pardon is signed in order to avoid being prosecuted for treason. As a result of their actions, the Poromiel fliers are allowed to stay within their ranks as negotiations resume.
In Chapters 9 - 12, in retaliation for Violet's actions to help Poromiel, General Aetos sends Violet and the rest of second squad to the Samara outpost, where there is fighting going on. While the fighting has died down when they arrive, an impending attack on Newhall (where Maren's family is) compels them to plan a mission to Newhall to extract Maren's family. However, it is a trap, resulting in an encounter with a dark wielder named Theophanie who wants Andarna. Theophanie wields lightning and it's later confirmed that advanced dark wielders -- Sages and Mavens -- also have signets. Despite having the opportunity to kill her, she leaves Violet alive, cryptically advising her to choose her as her teacher when the time comes.
The encounter also reveals that Garret has a second signet giving him the ability to travel large distances very quickly. Later, Xaden admits that a disproportionate number of the kids with rebellion relics were later chosen by dragons who imbued them with second signets.
In Chapters 13 - 18, Violet's research hints that the seventh breed may be found in the southern isles, one of which once aided in an uprising. Violet believes her father's research (which was confiscated and is now in General Aetos's possession) may have information about this. Meanwhile, Violet previously secured access to Viscount Tecarus's library and was given access to Queen Maraya's library in thanks for her assistance to Poromiel. She has now also been granted a meeting with King Courtlyn of Deverelli, the southernmost isle, in exchange for a gem, the Amelian Citrine, which Queen Maraya has agreed to provide. However, the gem is located in Anca, which is beyond the wards and potentially in enemy-occupied territory.
Dain Aetos assists in stealing Violet's father's journal, and the journal confirms that the key to defeating venin lies in Deverelli. It also says that she'll need to go to Cordyn (where Tecarus's palace is) and that in Deverelli she needs to seek out a certain merchant.
In Chapters 19 - 27, Violet and a riot of seven others -- chosen by the Senarium (Navarre leadership) -- head for Anca to procure the gem. They are able to get it, but there are two deaths, including that of their leader Captain Grady, due to an unnecessary fire that breaks out. When they return, Violet demands to lead the squad and choose her team, which they reluctantly agree to.
Violet's chosen squad then goes to see Tecarus and then heads southward to the isle of Deverelli. Tecarus warns them that once they leave the continent and pass over the ocean, they will no longer have access to magic, since it only exists on the continent. In Deverelli, Halden meets with King Courtlyn while Violet and the others seek out the merchant, Narelle Anselm. Narelle gives Violet a set of six books that Violet's father wrote and left specifically for Violet.
Meanwhile, Halden has gotten into trouble by trying to steal from King Courtlyn, leading to a breakdown in negotiations. Violet and Xaden go to retrieve him, but the situation turns violent. Xaden is forced to channel via the energy in Violet's conduit in order to kill the guards attacking them. Still, Violet does manage to broker an alliance with Deverelli and an agreement to use Tecarus's manor on the isle as a stopping point for the dragons and gryphons while they search for irids.
In Chapters 28 - 43, after regrouping in Basigath and unlocking her father's journals, Violet and her squad, along with a few additions, head south again to explore each of the main isles in search of the seventh breed and in hopes of brokering alliances. Aaric insists on going instead of Halden, since Halden is deemed a threat to the mission.
In Unnbriel, a militaristic society, three of them (Violet, Xaden and Dain) are asked to fight three Unnbriel champions in order to win an audience with a queen. They win, but no alliance is struck. On Hedotis, a society built on the idea of wisdom, they discover that Xaden's mother Talia is there, and they are subject to a tests of their "wisdom", one which involves seeing if they realize they're being poisoned. The situation is tense, but Violet manages to navigate the situation and get them out of there intact. However, the third isle, Zehylla, worships the god of luck, and each member of the squad is required to accept a "gift", with the item being decided by the luck of the draw. One of their squad, Trager, draws an arrow and is killed by an arrow, and his gryphon dies with him. Still, they manage to broker an alliance where Zehylla will provide 40,000 troops.
The squad then departs for an unnamed isle to burn their dead, and there they discover the seventh breed. However, the irid dragons question Andarna and determine that they have failed the test and refuse to help. The irids explain that Andarna was purposely left behind as the "centurion" who was meant to help them determine if humans had managed to develop a peaceful and harmonious society. Based on Andarna's upbringing, they determine that Andarna is being used as a weapon and have no interest in their war. They reject Andarna as an irid, and they inform them that there is no cure to turning venin.
The group then heads home, where they learn that Queen Maraya has been killed by dark wielders, and Violet get a note from Theophanie reminding her that she has the information Violet seeks.
In Chapters 44 - 55, Violet and her squad eventually travel to Aretia to help on that front. There, Violet discovers that she's a dream-walker, able to enter into others' dreams (her second signet). Xaden has also decided that all Poromish should be allowed into Tyr, and civilians begin streaming in.
Soon after, there is a wyvern attack on Aretia where their defenses are nearly overwhelmed when the wards are suddenly raised. It turns out one of the irids, Leothan, has used his power to fire up their wardstone so it is fully functional. However, he still doesn't intend to help fight their war and instead wants Andarna to return to her homeland with him to learn the ways of the irids. He explains to Andarna that their kind is able to break, mold and shape magical bonds which is why Andarna was able to bond with Violet in the first place. With Violet's blessing, Andarna breaks their bond and departs.
In Chapters 56 - 65, Theophanie grows impatient for Violet to join her, and she captures Mira. She demands that Xaden bring her Violet and Jack. They realize it's a trap, but they go anyway. A huge battle ensues where Xaden, Violet and their dragons are captured. In order to save his dragon Sgael and turn the tide of the battle, Xaden channels deep and turns fully venin. In the darkness, Violet is able to kill Theophanie (with help from Prince Aaric who turns out to be a precog, as well as Andarna).
When Violet awakes, the battle has been won, but her memory of the past few hours are erased (which Imogen informs her was upon her request). In turns out that at some point she and Xaden were legally married (giving her a claim on Aretia), and Xaden is now gone.
(The prologue picks up immediately after the events of the second book, Iron Flame, following the death of Violet’s mother General Sorrengail, the restoration of the wardstone protecting all of Navarre and the realization that Xaden has turned venin — meaning he channeled dark energy, which he did in order to access extra power because Violet was in danger.)
Violet is running through the tunnels underneath Basgiath. She goes to where Jack Barloweis imprisoned, where Xaden Riorsen is as well. She overhears their argument, and it’s clear that Jack knows that Xaden channeled (turned venin). As soon as Jack tells anyone, Xaden will be imprisoned. Violet goes looking for Imogen for help (this isn’t stated explicitly but I think the implication is that Violet tells Imogen the truth about Xaden so that she can wipe Jack’s memory).
Meanwhile, Andarna is reflecting upon the battle and thinks that changing colors mid-fight allowed her to change her magic as well in order to weaken the venin, since she was able to burn them.
Chapters 1 -2 (Two Weeks Later)
Two weeks following the battle, Violet is on patrol around Basgiath, looking for any dark wielders. By now, the rings around Xaden’s eyes have faded, but he has still cut off the telepathic connection with Violet, in fear of what he might become. Violet’s dragon, Tairn, is still furious with him but has agreed to support Violet in her desire to try to cure Xaden. Xaden’s dragon is also still not speaking to him. Some of the Aretian’s want to return to Aretia, but Xaden wants to stay here partially since the wards will protect Violet if he becomes truly corrupted.
The political situation is still uneven between the Aretians and the Navarrians. The Aretians have not yet been formally pardoned for leaving in the first place, despite them having been the ones to come save the Navarrians from destruction. There is a uncomfortable truce. Meanwhile, Violet and her allies have a number of plans in motion.
Suddenly, there’s a shriek when a number of dessicated bodies are discovered. Violet, Rhiannon and others go off in search of dark wielders who have infiltrated their walls. As Violet tries to hunt them down, they move very quickly and seem to disappear before her eyes. Violet hears them say that they need her (“the silver hair”) in particular to be captured alive. They eventually fend off the attack wich seemed to be aimed toward breaking Jack out of captivity.
Afterwards, Xaden admits to Violet that he’s been successful at hunting them because he can sense them like they can now sense him, which is how he knows he’s one of them now.
Chapters 3 – 4
Violet is brought in to attend a meeting with the Senarium, a ruling body of high-ranking Navarrian aristocracy. They want to assign her to a task force to try to recruit other dragons like Andarna (the seventh dragon breed, which they did know know existed until recently) to help in their fight.
The meeting doesn’t go as Violet hoped, since they want Captain Grady to be in charge of the task force and not Violet. Violet is also hoping to negotiate to a) have Navarre agree to help protect the gryphon fliers from Poromiel and b) agree to let the Aretian cadets stay in Navarre. Violet wants to insist on her goals but she also knows the importance of seeking out these dragons in case they know how to defeat or cure venin. Andarna also wants to go.
Later, when Violet and Xaden are being intimate, Xaden suddenly cuts things off and wants her to get away from him when he realizes he accidentally channeled a tiny bit in the heat of things.
By now, Violet’s sister Mira has returned with Violet’s orb conduit which has now been repaired (after it was broken in the big battle). She’s also worked with some others to figure out how to craft a layered rune that can help the fliers and hopefully save the negotiations with Poromiel.
Mira also reminds them that the wards are unstable and will only hold up for about six months or so.
Chapters 5 – 6
The next day, a challenge breaks out between a gryphon flier and a dragon rider from the First Wing, Aura Beinhaven, leading to others joining in the fracas. Dain Aetos tries to stop it, resulting in an argument between him and Aura. Dain tries to talk her down.
When Aura finally moves to attack, Violet steps up to be the challenger instead, but manages to talk Aura down — she tells the crowd that they had to leave because Navarre has been hiding important secrets from them and that all people of Navarre and Poromiel need to unite to defeat their enegy — until Professors Devera and Emetterio intervene, telling them to disperse. As they leave, Professor Emetterio mentions to Violet that it has been a long time since a shadow wielder (like Xaden) and lightning wielder (like Violet) have fought side-by-side, and that the last time it happened is when they were able to drive the venin into the shadows in the first place.
Afterwards, Violet gets news that they’ve reached some type of agreement with the Senarium. The “deserters”/Aretians are being allowed to stay and being pardoned. Against Violet’s wishes, Captain Grady will still be commanding the mission to find the seventh breed of dragon, and additionally Halden (the heir to the throne who knew about venin but didn’t do anything about it) also wants to join the mission. They’ve also agreed that Andarna will have access to hunt in the king’s forest, which is a request Andarna put in just for fun. They’ve also given Xaden his title and a seat in the Senarium back, restoring him as the Duke of Tyrrendor (it was stripped from his father, Fen Riorson, who was also executed for leading the Tyrrish Rebellion), as well as restoring its lands to him.
Unfortunately, they were not able to convince the Senarium to allow people from Poromiel into their borders, which means ]negotiating an alliance with Poromiel will effectively have failed for the time being. Brennan is hopeful that Queen Maraya of Poromiel will be able willing to negotiate again later.
Chapters 7 – 8
That night, Violet, Ridoc, Rhiannon, Bodhi and Maren get together to enact a plan that they hope will save the negotiations with Poromiel. Quinn is also part of the plan though his job is to ****. They first go to infirmary where someone Violet once saved, Dyre, meets with them. Sawyer is there as well, and Violet explains that they need his help as an metallurgist. Imogen meets up with them as well.
They head into the tunnels to reach the wardstone which they have a plan to alter, but Mira, who was not part of the plan, intercepts them and she has Brennan with her too. Violet tells Mira that she has to do this because she promised Poromiel they would educate the fliers, and Mira begrudgingly agrees to help since she knows there’s a better chance of it working if she does.
In the chamber with the wardstone, things are tense as Sawyer works on it, but in the end he’s successful. The next morning, it’s announced that negotiations with Poromiel are back in session. The wings now officially consists of both fliers and riders. However, Colonel Aetos — now General Aetos — also arrives to charge Violet with high treason.
Violet is brought before the Senarium for having altered to wardstone to allow fliers to wield. Violet points out that she did it in order to clear a path to negotiations with Poromiel.
In her defense, Xaden points out that it is still intact in terms of protecting against the dark wielders. He also points out that the act happened last night and as of this morning, they just signed a full pardon for everyone.
Queen Maraya of Poromiel also shows up to thank Violet for her actions on behalf of Poromiel. Queen Maraya knows that Violet previously negotiated with Viscount Tecarus in order to have access to his library, and as a thank you she offers Violet access to hers as well, which Violet eagerly accepts in hopes of locating a historical record that will give them an indication of how to defeat or cure venin.
Afterwards, General Aetos continues to threaten Violet and warns that her friends may be at risk. He then assigns their squad to two days of looking after the Samara outpost, where there is intense fighting going on.
Chapters 9 – 11
The next day, Fourth Wing, Second Squad arrives at Samara, exhausted from a night of flying. Luckily Lieutenant Colonel Degrensi, who is in charge there, informs them that the fighting has died down and that he wouldn’t send cadets out anyway. He tells Violet and her dragons to stay out of sight since they could be seen as targets and trigger another attack. Violet then leads the squad to a bedchamber that Xaden had previously warded in this location where they can all sleep safely.
When they awake, they’re told about an attack on Newhall, where Maren’s family fled. However, the captain doesn’t plan on intervening, saying that the village is too small to be worth defending and instead hopes that the people there will evacuate in time, writing it off as a casualty of war.
Second squad votes and agrees to go on mission to extract Maren’s family. On the way, Violet fends off a wyvern attack, but realizes that they’ve stepped into a trap when she recognizes a silver-haired dark wielder with them as the one who had tried to free Jack from Basgiath and had gotten away. In the scuffle, her dragon Tairn is knocked out and Violet’s knee is dislocated. Garrick shows up as alerted by Xaden when they heard Violet was headed into danger.
As the dark wielder approaches them, Violet realizes the dark wielder is capable of wielding lightning as well. The woman introduces herself as Theophanie and tells them that she killed Maren’s parents, but left the boys alive as “goodwill”.
Theophanie then asks about Violet’s dragons, referring to Andarna as “the irid” (likely short for “iridescents”). When Andarna hears that word, she recognizes it and it triggers something in her memory, that she is an “irid scorpiontail”. Violet then realizes that the dark wielder is after Andarna and tells Andarna to leave. Theophanie tells Violet to remember that she let her live today, and tells her to choose her (Theophanie) and not Berwyn as her teacher when the time comes, since she’ll let her keep her dragons and give her knowledge.
After she departs, Garret and Violet note that the dark wielder referred to Violet as a “leash” and to Garret as a “walker”. Violet realizes that Garret also has a second signet, which is that he can travel large distances very quickly.
Violet heads for Basgiath, where Xaden and Brennan meet her, along with Garrick. As Brennan mends Violet’s leg, General Aetos reminds Xaden that he isn’t allowed in the quadrant since he’s a commissioned officer and that Violet needs to report to Lieutenant Tavis in the Eastern Wing tomorrow. He also notes that Maren’s brothers (who have been brought to Basgiath) aren’t allowed there, so Xaden says that they’ll be taken Tyrrendor since he’s making them citizens of Tyr.
Chapter 12
When Violet and Xaden are alone, Violet asks about Garret’s second signet and whether Liam has one, too. Xaden confirms that he can also wield ice. Violet asks if it has to do with their rebellion relics and Xaden responds that he thinks the dragons knew what they were doing in choosing to imbue them with extra power, likely to build their own army in a way. Meanwhile, Violet tells Xaden that she thinks the dark wielders have their own signets as well.
Xaden leaves, but Violet soon gets word from him that there was an intense squirmish beyond the borders and he ended up needing to channel again, so he’s “recovering” (which Violet understands to mean that he has isolated himself until his eyes are no longer red from channeling).
Violet and Imogen go to see Jack in his cell for information. She offers him a small amount of energy, enough to keep him alive for a little longer, in exchange. Jack reluctantly agrees. In response to her questions, he tells Violet that inexperienced dark wielders can sense one another but more adept ones — Sages and Mavens — can hide it. Also, only initiates bleed. He also tells her that he doesn’t want to be cured since he sees it as being free to have unfettered access to power and being unburdened by conscience.
Afterwards, Imogen wipes Jack’s memory of having spoken to them.
Chapter 13
Violet and her allies go to the library to do research. There, Sawyer tells them that Markham (in charge of the library) has kicked Jesinia out of the adept program (path for librarians) by making up a test he knew she’d fail in retaliation for her siding with Aretia, which limits the information she has access to. However, she has still been assigned to help Violet and Grady with research about the seventh breed.
In her research, Jesinia has uncovered a reference to an isle kingdom that aided in a prior uprising (the second Krovlan uprising) in General Cadao’s journal, but the section has been ripped out. She suspects it may be relevant (to either the search for the seventh breed or to defeating venin or the cure), and Violet’s father had been doing research on that topic before his death. However, now only General Aetos has access to Violet’s late father’s papers.
At Battle Brief, everyone is given a compendium of information about fighting venin, which the scribes have been working on. Professor Devera also adds that they’ve additionally confirmed that high-level venin – Sage and Maven – can wield signets, though Violet already knew that.
Finally, Devera announces that Xaden will be in charge of instructing students regarding signet-on-signet combat, which Violet realizes was Xaden’s way of ensuring he could stay within the safety of the wards. However, as an instructor, it also means that their relationship needs to end as far as anyone knows since the Code of Conduct prohibits it.
Chapter 14
With Dain back from his post, Violet asks him for help getting access to her father’s research, which she believes is located in a warded place so that only General Aetos or his bloodline (like Dain) can access it. Dain says that his father will be in Calldyr next weekend, so they can plan the heist for then.
Meanwhile, General Aetos denies Xaden’s request to make an exception to the Code for his and Violet’s relationship, and Aetos assigns various riders to follow Violet around to ensure that they don’t have an opportunity to be unchaperoned.
Violet soon attends a meeting regarding the search for the seventh breed. The squad consists primarily if people she doesn’t know and it’s not clear to Violet how this group was chosen. Xaden shows up and demands to join them on the grounds that Sgaeyl and Tairn can’t be separated. Captain Grady begrudgingly agrees to add him to the roster. In the meeting, Violet suggests going southward to the isles, based on the findings from General Cadao’s journal, which her father had been researching prior to his death. However, Captain Grady is insistent that they should travel north along the coastline instead.
Chapters 15 – 17
At the first session of Signet Sparring led by Xaden, Xaden spars with each cadet, beating them effortlessly. Finally, it’s time for him to spar with Violet. As they train, Xaden tells Violet she needs to learn to locate him even in darkness because she is the only one capable of killing him if necessary.
Afterwards, Dain finds Violet and tells her that he’s determined that there’s no way for him to sneak someone else into his father’s quarters due to the surveillance there, so he’s going to steal the research himself.
On Monday, Sloane pulls Violet aside to hand her some books Jesinia had for Violet — including the journal that Dain stole. However, there’s a six-letter lock and a the clue that “First love is irreplaceable.” The lock mechanism is designed to ruin the book if the combination is entered incorrectly.
At the next session of Signet Sparring, Prince Halden unexpectedly shows up and they quickly hide Aaric (King Tauri’s other son and Halden’s younger brother who secretly signed up to be a rider after learning about the venin attacks). He gives Violet a message addressed to her from Viscount Tecarus. As requested by Violet, Tecarus has negotiated a meeting with her and King Courtlyn of Deverelli, the southernmost isle. In exchange, Courtlyn wants a gem — the Amelian Citrine — belonging to Queen Maraya, who has agreed to give it, but it needs to be fetched from the city of Anca, which is beyond the wards and in occupied territory.
Halden tells Violet that he’ll order Grady to change course (to go the southern isles instead) if Violet can secure the gem (and therefore the meeting with Courtlyn). He also comes onto Violet and asks her to dinner, but he’s interrupted by a blast from Xaden.
Chapter 18
Later, Rhiannon chides Violet for never having mentioned that she was once in a relationship with Halden. Meanwhile, Violet thinks she’s figured out the password for the journal — she thinks it’s “Aimsir“, since her father loved her mother and her first love was her dragon. She wants Rhiannon there while she tries it so that Rhiannon can stop the lock mechanic from messing up the entire book if it’s wrong.
The password is correct and the book opens easily. From the very first page, it is addressed directly to Violet. Her father writes that the journal is about his research on the second Krovlan uprising and that she must protect this knowledge with her life. He also says that the key to defeating the venin is at Cordyn (where Tecarus’s palace is), and after that she’ll have to travel to isle of Deverelli which is “beyond the reach of magic” (since magic only exists and functions on the Continent) and seek out a merchant named Narelle Anselm. He recommends bringing something the rarest thing she has to give to Narelle in exchange, and Andarna pipes up that she knows what to give.
When Violet tells Xaden about the developments, and he agrees that they need to get the artifact and head to Deverelli.
Chapter 19
A few days later, Violet and a riot of eight including Mira and Halden and Grady, reaches Samara, where they leave Andarna since it’ll be safer for her there since Theophanie is hunting her. From there, it’s three hours’ ride until Anca. The ride is oddly smooth, and Anca appears to no longer be occupied.
They reach the dilapidated five-story house of Amelia where the gem is likely on display. Mira goes to get the gem, but just as she finds it, Aura accidentally sets the place on fire, and Captain Grady is caught in the blaze. The surrounding buildings quickly get caught in the blaze, and it draws the attention of the wyverns. They have to flee quickly, but Aura is killed by a wyvern.
When the rest of them return safely to Samara, Mira gives Violet a note she found next to the gem. It’s from Theophanie, addressed to Violet, encouraging her to seek her out if she has questions. It also shows that Theophanie knew they’d be there and that she likely knows that Violet is on the hunt for a cure.
Chapters 20 – 21
Back at Basgiath, Violet continues her research. Ridoc reveals that he’s been working on honing his signet abilities and thinks he can now freeze the water in someone’s body.
The following Friday, Violet meets with the Senarium to provide a progress report. Violet demands to choose her own squad, saying that a group of people of don’t know or trust each other has led to disaster. Halden agrees to her demands, for now, but warns her that it could change if she fails. Violet then names for her squad: Xaden, Mira, Ridoc Gamlyn, Catriona “Cat” Cordella, Captain Drake Cordella (Cat’s cousin), Dain Aetos, Halden and one more person of Halden’s choosing.
They soon depart and after a long flight arrive at Tecarus’s palace. Tecarus lets them know that he and the prince will travel ahead of them and warn the king of Deverelli about the arrival of their riot and dragons. He also reminds them that they’ll lose their abilities once they cross the ocean since magic only exists on the Continent. Additionally, he tells them that King Courtlyn loves rare things (referring to Violet) and will steal them if necessary, and she should be careful not to advertise her unique qualities and to stay close to each other (her and Xaden).
Soon, they travel southward and cross over the ocean, where Violet feels her magic fade away. The dragons also require much more effort to fly, and — with the notable exception of Tairn, Andarna and Violet — their bonds that allow them to communicate telepathically with each other and their dragons have been cut off.
Chapters 22 – 24
They soon reach a smaller estate belonging to Tecarus on the isle of Deverelli. He greets them and they get settled in. Halden is going to meet with the king of Deverelli, since the king is only willing to meet with aristocrats. Violet notes that Xaden seems much more at peace and relaxed without the pressures of his magical abilities.
They go into town on horses and quickly ascertain that the woman they’re searching for, Narelle Anselm (as instructed by Violet’s father’s research), is a rare book dealer. At the store, they are identified as “fire-bringers” and attacked, but they manage to de-escalate the situation. When Narelle shows up, she correctly recognizes that Violet is Asher Sorrengail’s daughter and says that she must be here to collect the books he wrote for her.
Narelle refers to them as “Amaralis” and explains that Asher purposely hid his work four years ago (he died three years ago) and wanted Violet to later find it. As they talk about her father’s research, they discuss how the Krovlan uprising fell apart because the Krovlans had promised Deverelli dragons in exchange for their help, but couldn’t deliver so Deverelli told the Poromish king where to find the rebels, resulting in an event called the Midnight Massacre and effectively ended the rebellion.
(It also comes up that Violet ended things with Halden because she caught him cheating on her with a professor.)
Narelle gives Violet six books from her father, but they are all passcode-locked.
Chapters 25 – 28
That night, Violet suggests that she and Xaden take up Tecarus’s offer from them to stay here at Deverelli until she can find a cure for Xaden. That way he doesn’t have to worry about being venin since there’s no magic here anyway. However, Xaden says that he’s not sure the dragons can survive here and he thinks that they may even be in pain without their magic.
They’re soon interrupted with news that King Courtlyn has decided to “keep” Halden and is holding him captive. Xaden reluctantly agrees to go save him.
Violet and Xaden head to the palace, accompanied by their dragons. They go to confront the king and find him seated at a table with Tecarus and Halden. The king also has three white panthers – Shira, Shena and Shora.
The king tells them that Halden tried to make a deal that included giving him a rare weapon, the Blade of Aretia, which was not his to give (since it was taken from Aretia). Xaden then negotiates with the king, saying that they are seeking to reopen diplomatic channels and permission to use Tecarus’s manor as a stopping point for their dragons and gryphons as they conduct their search (for the irids).
As they negotiate, the king reveals that he has killed the guard that Halden brought — Anna Winshire — and is feeding her to his panthers. The king reveals that the Halden sent her to steal certain treasures from their treasury. Halden protests that those things belonged to Navarre in the first place. As they argue, Violet realizes that Navarre had bartered off various treasures to the king over the past century.
Finally, the king orders his guards to kill them all, leaving only Tecarus alive, resulting in a fight. Things get desperate as more guards arrive, and after Violet is injured, Xaden is forced to channel magic from Violet’s conduit in order to use his powers to kill the guards.
Afterwards, Xaden departs as Violet takes over negotiations, threatening to have the dragons eat his panthers if it doesn’t proceed peacefully. They finally agree to the original request in exchange for the citrine gem. Additionally, to compensate the king for his dead guards, Violet gives him Ardana’s dragon shell, which is rare since she’s the only one of her kind that’s known of. Finally, they agree that Halden cannot step foot on Deverelli again.
With the main negotiation completed, King Courtlyn additionally makes Violet another offer — he wants Violet and Xaden’s services.
A few days later, back at Basgiath, Violet attends Battle Brief where they discuss a change in the venin’s strategy and movements that seem to indicate that they are headed toward Aretia, likely because they know that the wards there are going to fail at some point. (As a reminder, in the previous book, Violet got Aretia’s wards up, but then found out that the instructions she’d gotten were purposely flawed since the author only wanted Navarre to be able to put up wards in order to preserve its power).
Meanwhile, Xaden is still in isolation, and Violet worries that perhaps the red in his eyes (from channeling in Deverelli) has not faded this time.
Soon, Violet and Dain figure out how to unlock her father’s six journals. Shortly after, during Signet Sparring a group of first years (Lynx, Baylor, Avalynn, Sloane, Aaric and Kai) approach Violet and express their desire to help with her mission. She hesitantly agrees, but merely assigns them to write reports on her research.
When Violet sees Xaden again, she realizes that the redness in his eyes is gone, but the flecks in his eyes are more amber than gold. She knows they don’t have the luxury of time. As Cat and Bodhi try to figure out an efficient route for their squad, Violet interrupts and decides that they’re going to go against the Senarium’s order to report back between each isle they visit — instead they’re going to go and find the seventh breed and not come back until it happens.
Violet tells Bodhi about Xaden’s eyes, and he tells her that she needs to take Garrick with her on this mission (and it’s implied that Garrick can help protect them from Xaden in case they really can’t find a cure). Before Sparring ends, a second-year suddenly starts channeling and the Professor quickly kills her with an alloy dagger.
Chapters 29 – 30
Violet’s crew is soon ready to head out. Halden quickly makes a nusiance of himself, but Aaric’s brother (Halden) shows up to tell Halden that he’ll be joining the squad instead as the royal representative since Halden is a threat to the mission.
They take off and after a long flight reach the isle of Dunne. As they get settled, Mira mentions to Violet that she went to see their estranged Grandmother Niara, and Mira recommends that Violet do the same sometime.
That night, the group is approached by a platoon of soliders representing Unnbriel, the kingdom they’re in. The soldiers demand that they take their dragons and leave. From their reaction to the dragons, it’s clear they haven’t seen dragons before and Andarna knows it’s unlikely the seventh breed is here.
Xanden demands an audience with the queen, and demands to challenge their strongest fighter in order to earn that meeting (as is their custom). Only half of them are permitted to go to the palace for the challenge. They soon arrive at Eistol, the capitol of Unnbriel, which Violet knows will be a highly fortified place based on her father’s research. Violet notes the presence of crossbows, indicating that the city is well-equipped to fight dragons. She also sees that the queen’s attendants all have silver hair.
Chapters 31 – 33
Aaric is willing to fight, but Xaden insists on being the champion, since he’s stronger. The priestess also chooses Dain and Violet to fight with Xaden. She cuts each one of them with a knife as they are selected. Unnbriel brings forth three champions as well.
With difficulty, they manage to win two of their three matches (Dain loses her). Bolts of lightning are let off when Violet is angry. She dismisses it as a coincidence because there’s not supposed to be magic here (though Mira points out that Violet still has ber bond with her dragons here). Afterwards, it’s revealed that Violet’s opponent, Marlis, is their queen.
Marlis asks what they want to talk about and Violet says they’re looking for the seventh breed of dragon and for allies to fight with them in the brewing was (against the venin). Unfortunately, Marlis responds that the seventh breed is not here and that they can’t afford the price to afford their fighting abilities, since their price is “the same thing everyone in the isles craves — Dragons”.
Marlis says that what they want is dragon eggs (12, two of each breed) since baby dragons will be more malleable and controllable. Violet bristles at the suggestion, but Marlis says to keep it in mind when they start getting desperate.
A day and thirteen hours later, they arrive at Vidirys, the capitol of Hedotis, on the next isle. It’s a place built up on the ideas of community, peace and wisdom. They note how strange it is that it’s a coastal city with no port. The customs here dictate that they have to prove their wisdom into to meet with the ruling triumvirate.
They’re approached by twelve people, one of whom identifies himself as Faris, second in the triumvirate. Faris then introduces his wife, Talia, who turns out to be Xaden’s mother.
Chapters 34 – 37
Xaden soon hides away, refusing to see his mother who desperately wants to spend some time with him. Xaden is angry with her, given how long it’s been since he’s seen his mother.
They soon discover that Xaden’s mother has two kids (Xaden’s half brothers), Simeon and Gaius. Xaden bitterly notes that she left and built a whole new family.
Privately, Violet decides to give Talia a vial of dried arinmint that she brought as part if a medkit so that Talia can smoothe things over with Xaden, since Talia used to tell him bedtime stories while serving arinmint tea.
Xaden reluctantly attends dinner that night with the group, and the tea is served. In addition to Faris, the two other triumvirate members are there too, Nairi and Roslyn. As the dinner starts, they question why Xaden has chosen not to pursue an alliance with Cat, saying that the two of them choosing to marry would be a “wise” alliance. Xaden of course rejects the idea.
Xaden’s mother tells him that his father, Fenn, wouldn’t let her take him with her because he was Tyrrendor’s heir, but Xaden says that she left him knowing full well a war was coming.
There is a heated discussion as they talk about the potential of an alliance, but they seem to be making progress. However, soon a chocolate cake is brought out, with Talia saying that she remembers how much Xaden used to love it. Before he can take a bite, Violet signals to him to stop eating when she realizes that Talia must’ve been warned they were coming to prepare this for him and that her surprised reaction before was fake. Violet surmises that there must be something these people are hiding. However, Garrick has already taken a bite and collapses.
Chradh, his dragon, senses his distress and immediately burns down part of the forest. Faris reveals that he was the one who poisoned the cake to test their wisdom, and Talia is enraged with her husband. Violet then reveals that she poisoned them all as well with the tea, which should be kicking in soon. The rest of them already took the antidote. She offers to exchange antidotes with Faris, but he refuses.
Violet then thinks to question the cook and notices the blue color on his hands. With that information, Violet identifies the poison as zakia berries.(Ridoc is nearly stabbed by the cook in the process). Violet then gets her father’s field guide where he has noted the antidote (fig or lime) and quickly administers it to Garrick.
With Garrick safe, Violet negotiates with Faris, demanding an alliance. She says that if he has to agree and stick to his word because he knows that he’d never be elected to power again if they told the general populace what happened tonight, that he was outsmarted in his own home. She also tells him that they have one dragon who isn’t there tonight (Andarna) who is next to the house where his sons are and is going to stay there until they are safely off the isle.
They depart and eventually reach the second to last of the major isles, Zehylla. As they fly over, they seeing people waving to them, which is an unusual response.
Chapters 38 – 40
As they land, Violet senses the magic there, though it’s muted compared to the magic on the continent. They see a crowd has gathered, having already been informed of their arrival. A woman named Calixta greets them and says that they are all to receive gifts, and it’s clear that they need to accept with gratitude whatever “gift” they are given regardless of what it is. They are each to draw from a deck of cards which will determine what gift they get. The people here worship Zihnal, the god of luck.
The gifts are mainly a mix of items ranging from oranges to useless items and even a kitten until finally Trager draws a card with an arrow. Before they can react, he is shot by an arrow and killed. His gryphon, Silaraine, dies immediately after due to their bond. With much difficulty, Violet thanks them for the gift.
Later, the squad mourns the deaths privately and makes plans to burn them on an uninhabited isle. Cat, who had recently formed a romantic connection with Trager, is especially upset. The dragons and gryphons are also exhausted after having spent the day sweeping the isle for signs of the irids, who do not seem to be on the island. The only good news is that Mira and Aaric have confirmed that they’ve agreed to an alliance and to provide 40,000 troops in the war against the dark wielders.
The next day, the burial happens, and Violet notes that there’s more magic on this uninhabited isle than there was at Zehylla. There is a volcanic formation nearby and what appears to be many unmapped islands around them. Violet comes up with a plan to split up into groups and spend the day quickly surveying the area before moving on. However, as they rest before heading out, Violet is approached by a dragon and she realizes they’ve located the seventh breed.
Chapters 41 – 43
They quickly realize that the dragons are able to speak to all of them telepathically if they choose. When they see that Andarna is also irid, they refer to her as the “criterion”. They are uninterested in the humans. They tell Andarna that there are hundreds of them, but they do not bond with humans.
They ask Andarna about her life, but are increasingly displeased by the answers. After Andarna tells them everything, they say that Violet has failed their test. They explain that Andarna was intentionally left behind as the “criterion” — a way to measure humanity’s growth and “ability to choose tranquility and harmony”. However, Andarna’s story indicates that she’s been used as a weapon since she was a juvenile and forced to grow up prematurely.
They also criticize Tairn for gifting Violet with lightning and accuse of Andarna for weaponizing her magic for Violet as well. The dragons decline to help them, saying that they do not seek peace, but victory. Andarna does not accept their criticisms, and the irids tells her that she not allowed entrance on their isle and will not instruct her in their ways.
As they talk, Violet ask them about a cure once someone has become venin. The dragons respond that there is no cure. They explain that dark wielding kills the soul piece by piece and there is no way to recover it from death. Xaden’s eyes turn red for a moment as they speak angrily, and Ridoc notices. When the dragons leave, Ridoc demands to know what’s going on.
When the others return, Violet, Ridoc and Xaden explain what happened. Violet tells Ridoc the truth about Xaden and that Garrick, Bodhi and Imogen also know. Ridoc is very concerned and presses her state where the line is where she’d admit that he isn’t himself anymore. Violet says that if he hurt her friends, dragons, a civilian or her, then she’d know.
The group soon returns to Deverelli, a trip that takes ten days. Andarna is still brokenhearted about the recent events. They then fly home to Basgiath where they know a court-martial awaits them for ignoring their orders to return back after each isle.
Upon her return, Violet gets a note from Theophanie reminding her that she has what Violet seeks. They also learn that Suniva was attacked by dark wielders and fell, and now Queen Maraya is dead.
Chapter 44
Now that they’re back, they are questioned individually about their mission. Luckily, King Tauri is so relieved about Aaric being alive that he has forbidden any sort of punishment. When Violet is released again and fully briefed on the news, she realizes how many cities have fallen to dark wielders in a short amount of time.
At Battle Brief, they discuss in depth the fall of Suniva. They’re told that the dark wielders flew over their walls and engulfed the city in fire. It was the work of twelve wyvern and twelve dark wielders, and 25,000 people died. As they deconstruct the situation, they discuss how there had been six crates of alloy daggers (which can kill dark wielders) that had just been shipped there since it was supposed to be a distribution site. The conclusion they reach is that there must be traitors in their ranks since that the venin likely knew that the shipment would be there. Violet also realizes that Theophanie was probably one of them since the reason they were able to travel undetected is that they managed to travel within a thundercloud.
Afterwards, Violet does what she’d promised Ridoc she would do and tells Sawyer, Jesinia and Rhiannon the truth about Xaden turning venin.
Chapters 45 – 46
A few days later, Violet opens a package that contains a Deverelli silk nightgown made out of material she’d been eyeing when they were there. There’s a note indicating that it’s from Xaden. The next day they have maneuvers class, led by Kaori, and Violet gives Xaden a handwritten note afterwards with an onyx bracelet made of a piece of the turret from Riorson House.
A report from Aretia comes in and it’s clear that the wards are beginning to fail. In the next few weeks, Violet continues her training and trying to hone her signet. Meanwhile, Xaden is called away to deal with affairs in Tyrrendor and Andarna is still off being upset somewhere.
A short while later, there is a rucus when Xaden decides that he is going to open the borders of Tyrrendor to all Poromish civilians. Halden commands him to do otherwise, but Xaden resists. Xaden also decides to step down from his professorship in order to focus on dealings in Tyr and to get away. Meanwhile, one of the studenrs, Lynx, manifests his signet powers and it turns out he is also a shadow wielder.
Chapters 47 – 49
Shortly after, Sawyer (who lost a leg in the previous book), tries flying with a prosthesis for the first time, and the group cheers when he’s able to get on his dragon, Sliseag.
The group, led by Kaori, then heads to Aretia, where they get settled in to Riorson House. Brennan comes to see Violet, and he says that he knows about Xaden and they’ve been doing everything they can think of to try to fix it with no avail. But Xaden hasn’t given up yet and that gives Violet hope.
When Xaden comes to see her, it has been 70 days since he’s channeled since he’s trying to prove to himself that he can control himself.
Chapter 50
Violet soon tells Xaden about a re-occurring dream she’s been having where she’s being held by a dark wielder and she’s unable to help Andarna. The dream also hints that they want something from her and in it the hold the Sword of Tyrrendor up against her neck to threaten her. As she describes her surroundings in the dream, Xaden identifies it as Draithus. He also says that he knows he’s the dark wielder in her dream since she’s been appearing in his dream, too.
Violet also says that she’s had other nightmares with others in them. As they discuss, Xaden suggests that Violet may be a dream walker.
Soon after, Tairn informs them they’re under attack.
Chapters 51 – 53
As Xaden shouts out orders, Aaric tells Violet that protecting Dunne’s temple is the key to saving Tyrrendor. Once the battle is underway, Tairn and Violet quickly takes out a few wyvern, but they see Theophanie who gets away. When Rhi tries to chase her, Violet tells her not to because she knows Theophanie is too strong for Rhiannon alone.
When Tairn is injured, they head to Dunne’s temple to find Andarna there. Violet prepares for an attack, but suddenly Theophanie appears, telling her that she will let the others live if Violet comes with her. One of the priestesses of the temple calls Theophanie a “heretic” and Violet realizes that Theophanie was once a priestess of the temple.
Two other dark wielders join her, but suddenly Theophanie notices something and tells them to flee, and all three disappear. Violet then looks to the skies and sees four wyvern, but then realizes they are falling from the skies. When things calm down, Violet realizes that one of the irids have come, and Leothan (the irid) informs them that he has fired their wardstone so it is fully functional.
After the battle, Leothan talks to Andarna and explains that he came back mostly to bring Andarna home and give her a chance to be instructed in their ways. He says that as an irid, Andarna is capable of shaping and changing bonds in a way the other dragons cannot (which is how she was able to form the second bond with Violet in the first place). As such, she can choose to break her bond with Violet and return to her true home. Andarna considers it and then, with Violet’s encouragement, breaks the bond.
Chapters 54 – 56
After the battle, Violet mourns the absence of Andarna while outside people cheer that Aretia is safe. Meanwhile, civilians from Pomoriel have begun to stream in as Xaden struggles to figure out how to feed them. Outside the borders, attacks have intensified.
Mira and Brennan go to see Violet, and they discuss the summer their parents left the two of them with Grandma Niara. Their mother didn’t journal those months and afterwards they cut off contact with their grandmother. Mira says their parents took Violet to be dedicated to Dunne at the temple, but they refused to complete the ritual because Violet’s future was uncertain and something about the potential for a heart for or within her to turn dark.
Xaden stops the discussion and admits that he’s the one whose heart beats for her and he has channeled.
Training continues. One night Xaden dreams and Violet is there, when they awake they are informed that the venin have reached the walls of Draithus. They send a message to tell Xaden that he has five hours to deliver them Bodhi and Violet or else Mira dies.
Chapters 57 – 59
Along with the other riders and fliers, they try to come up with a plan to fight back at Draithus and save Mira. As they’re talking, Xaden realizes they don’t want Bodhi, they want Jack (they referred to him as Xaden’s “brother”).
Brennan tells Violet that she needs to choose what her objective is, since they can’t save everyone. He says that Violet wants to choose everyone over herself and Xaden only wants to save Violet. If they’re aiming for different things, then they’ll fail. Violet decides that they need to kill Theophanie.
As they near Draithus, they hear that Aaric was seen flying south. At the wall, they see Theophanie holding Mira and a group of wyvern holding her dragon, Teine, captive.
Garrick soon arrives with Jack, and Violet demands that Mira be let go. However, Theophanie tells Violet that she never agreed to let Mira live and also that she lies, and she slits Mira’s throat.
Brennan rushes to save Mira as the battle erupts. Brennan nears the limits of his powers when Dain shows up with Sloane (whose signet is being able to absorb and redistribute others’ powers). Quickly, she siphons power from Dain and feeds it into Brennan until Mira is healed. Sloane has also brought a package belonging to Aaric that is from Dunne, which Violet pockets.
Chapters 60 – 62
As Tairn moves an injured Teine off the field, Violet waits on the field with Bodhi, knowing that Theophanie will come find her. Predictably, Theophanie shows up. She knows that Theophanie is faster and more skilled so she waits for her to get closer.
However, when she does, Violet realizes that Theophanie is not a lightning wielder like she had thought. Based on the atmosphere around them she realizes that Theophanie is a storm wielder so the plan she had in mind will not work. Violet’s mother was also a storm wielder, but Theophanie’s skills are stronger.
Violet tells Bodhi to flee as Theophanie builds up a tornado around them and demands that Violet channel to become one of them. Violet manages to stab her in the thigh. They scuffle.
Meanwhile, a horde of people from Poromiel are trying to get past Medaro Pass into the safety of Aretia. Rhiannon is in command as a seventeen wyvern appear, against three dragons and four gryphons. They begin to fight.
Back on the field, Violet is preoccupied with keeping Theophanie occupied for as long as possible. She runs on to the carcass of a wyvern to prevent being drained by Theophanie. When Tairn finally returns, Theophanie leaves to join the attack and Violet sees there are over a hundred of wyvern in the sky. Violet charges for Theophanie and tries to take as many wyvern out as possible along the way.
Chapters 63 – 65
Imogen and her dragon Glane work on taking out wyvern when she sees dark wielders heading for the turret where Quinn is making her projections. Imogen hurries there to fight with Quinn, but Quinn is stabbed and dies. Imogen reflects on how she and Quinn became best friends as Quinn stops breathing. Garrick shows up to take Imogen and Quinn’s body to safety.
Violet chases Theophanie down, determined to take her out, but she and Tairn are caught in a massive net and run into a mountain and Violet breaks her arm. Tairn lets her know they they’ve captured Sgaeyl (Xaden’s dragon) as well. Violet knows they need to get out of there, and she remembers Aaric’s package. It says “For when you lose yours. Strike in the dark, Violet.”
There is a grey marble dagger (comes from the marble from the temple of Dunne) and a note from the high priestess warning that “only those touched by the gods should wield their wrath”.
As Theophanie approaches them, Violet wields repeatedly as Tairn works on freeing himself from the netting. Violet tries to talk about Unnbriel where Theophanie was once a priestess in order to catch her off guard. As they exchange words, Violet senses a darkness descending (“devouring the field in the fury of an onyx storm”) which she knows is Xaden using his shadow powers to an extent that surpasses what he could accomplish with Sgaeyl alone.
As everything goes dark, Violet thinks about Aaric’s note and realizes that he is a true precog. While Melgren can forsee battles, Aaric’s powers are greater.
Using the dagger (“a weapon made of the fractured temple-a temple Theophanie can’t step inside”), Violet wields in the darkness as Aaric’s note instructs. In doing so, the light from the bolt allows her to see Theophanie as she falls. Then Violet sees Andarna stalking towards Theophanie. As Theophanie reaches for Andarna, Violet uses her dagger to stab her.
Theophanie is confused since the dagger is made of stone, but Violet tells her it’s from Dunne’s temple and that “Dunne is a wrathful goddess to high priestesses who turn her backs to Her.” Theophanie is desiccated by the blade, and Violet then releases a bolt that burns her alive.
Elsewhere, Sgaeyl is injured. Xaden stands before two venin, one of whom is Panchek who has turned venin. In additional to being pissed about his traitorous nature, Xaden can’t attack him because he is bonded to him through their Sage (due to a dark magic bond), Berwyn. Xaden watches as Berwyn kills Panchek’s dragon.
In order to prevent Berwyn from killing Sgaeyl, Xaden channels, and Xaden feels his soul depart.
When Violet awakes, the battle has been won, she is in Aretia and people are looking for Xaden. There are dead dragons and missing eggs. On Violet’s finger there is a ring and she has a paper indicating that she and Xaden have been legally married by the head priestess of Dunne’s temple. There’s also a handwritten note from Xaden saying “Don’t look for me. It’s yours now”.
Violet struggles to remember what has happened in the past twelve hours, and she asks Imogen what’s going on (since Imogen can erase memories), and Imogen tells her that she did what Violet asked her to (indicating that she asked Imogen to erase her memory).
Published January 21, 2025
Page Count Goodreads4.25 (out of 5)
From the Publisher
After nearly eighteen months at Basgiath War College, Violet Sorrengail knows there’s no more time for lessons. No more time for uncertainty.
Because the battle has truly begun, and with enemies closing in from outside their walls and within their ranks, it’s impossible to know who to trust.
Now Violet must journey beyond the failing Aretian wards to seek allies from unfamiliar lands to stand with Navarre. The trip will test every bit of her wit, luck, and strength, but she will do anything to save what she loves―her dragons, her family, her home, and him. Even if it means keeping a secret so big, it could destroy everything.
They need an army. They need power. They need magic. And they need the one thing only Violet can find―the truth. But a storm is coming...and not everyone can survive its wrath.